Freitag, Januar 28, 2005

Swim Swam Swum

Finally, after eight months of living across the street from it, I FINALLY made it into the pool. It’s literally on my way to work; I cross the campus every morning. Plus, it costs a mere twoonie to drop in before 8.

I have always enjoyed swimming, even before I joined the swim team in high school(with our lovely “Trojan” rubber swim caps). I was most proficient at the back stroke, perhaps due to my very own personal flotation devices.

At last something clicked, as somethings tend to do in the month of January, and I thought to myself “No More Excuses!”

I have been 4 or 5 times this month, and have already noticed some improvements. I am enjoying the routine of it, and the way I feel energized for the rest of the day. Not necessarily the chlorine smell that is permeating my bag and everything in it (not to mention turning my black bathing suit a transparent brownish beige) but there are always sacrifices to make, aren’t there?

The very first morning I went (and after finally discovering where the pool was exactly in the phys ed building) there was an absolutely gorgeous sunrise happening. The pool has one full wall of windows, facing south, which overlooks downtown. I have never seen such a beautiful display of orange, pink, red and purple illuminating the high rises and office towers. It was like my own personal “Welcome! See, THIS is what the world looks like while you have been sleeping in every morning!” Well from now on, (at least twice a week), I’m up and at ‘em, embracing the day as it unfolds. Go Team!

Dienstag, Januar 25, 2005

'borrowed' from Ms. Sundae

1. What time did you get up this morning?
just before 7:30 (that terrible Nickleback song came on the radio, and I wanted to be in the pool by 7:45 ~ made it by 7:50!)

2. Diamonds or pearls?
Diamonds- they ARE a girl’s best friend, after all!

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?

4. What is your favourite TV show at the moment?
besides the fact that I don’t have a t.v.? It used to be ER

5. What did you have for breakfast?
nature's path organic instant oatmeal – apple & cinnamon. Mmm yummy.

6. What is your middle name?
Robyn (see last post)

7. What is your favourite cuisine?
lots of Asian ones- Thai, Vietnamese

8. What do you dislike? grumpy for no reason people

9. What is your favourite crisp (chip) flavour?
salt & vinegar

10. What is your favourite CD at the moment?
Garden State Soundtrack- as soon as I buy it!

11. What kind of car do you drive?
hee hee ’88 BMW 325 is (and the Saturn’s still for sale…)

12. Favourite sandwich?
Tuna melt

13. What characteristic do you despise?

14. Favourite item of clothing?
ALL the fuzzy sweaters my Kat gave me- blue, pink and white

15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation?
Australia & New Zealand

16. What colour is your bathroom?
white & green

17. Favourite brand of clothing?
anything my (little) sister hands me down!

18. Where would you retire to?
the Island

19. Favourite time of the day?
morning- sunrise

20. What was your most memorable birthday?
28 – Emerald Lake- 50 ppl in my living room, sponsored by Summerhill

21. Where were you born?
Montreal, PQ

22. Favourite sport to watch?
gymnastics or figure skating

23. What fabric detergent do you use?
Safeway brand *Free* (no perfume)

24. Coke or Pepsi?
neither – yuck!

25. Are you a morning person or a night?

26. What is your shoe size?

27. Do you have any pets?

28. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with your family and friends?
Not at the present moment, thanks

29. What did you want to be when you were little?
a fashion designer

Dienstag, Januar 18, 2005

Happy 14th Birthday, Robyn!

I believe everything is cyclical (the circumference of which runs approximately 7 years). It is no accident that my niece’s* birthday has coincided with the rediscovery last night of some writing I did at that very same age. And that we share a name (her first is the same as my middle).

As mentioned in a previous post, I have a yearly ritual of summarizing and documenting the significant events that have taken place. This began in 1988, when I was 13. I find both the writing style and content to be both amusing and insightful. Reading back through the entries in these old forgotten journals and odds and ends of paper has helped me to reconnect to that budding, brooding teenybopper to be that was me. And I’d like to share:

Monday, January 1st, 1990
Happy New Year! Well, tonight it’s time for my 2nd annual year-in-review piece. The word for 1989 was change. A lot of change. From finishing the yearbook to grade 9 graduation (valedictorian- yay!) to family week in Provo, to HIGH SCHOOL – ooooh. Halfway through gr. 10 – it’s gone by so fast! –and I’m enjoying myself thoroughly. Into Drama (part as ‘mom’ in ‘This is a Test’) and secretary and babysitter for the Drama teacher. I’ve ‘discovered’ photography- taking and developing. Another thing ‘discovered’ – KIK 107 (cool). Biggest injury for 1989- a cornea abrasion to my right (lazy) eye by means of a helium balloon. It happened on the last day of the year- yesterday, and I’m fine now. (But I looked pretty funny checking coats with a patch). Nothing major in the love life dept. – the song of the year is “Right here waiting” by Richard Marx. And that’s basically what I was doing. Nicky, for the record, is starting to write more.

As for the diet portion of my life, things remain pretty screwed up. In Sept. mom found “fit for life” books and those really changed everything. I now have stopped eating all animal & animal products. I lost about 16 pounds from Sept to Nov. but then began ‘slipping’ and I’ve gained some of it back. I’m pretty determined to lose more- especially if I’m going to be swimming in the near future in gym class! I have been swimming quite a lot this fall at the university. I also babysat twice a week for Cookie, and I’ve started keeping a diary (very helpful) as of July 31st, 1989. Family Life is another thing quite screwed up. What’s more to say than that?

Things in the world this year are revolving around Eastern Europe- the Berlin wall coming down, the Soviet Union getting freedom, democracy, things that North Americans take for granted. Charlotte and I tool a poll, asking people for a word describing the 80’s- some responses: yuppies, microwaves, AIDS, tryhard hippies, peace, environmental issues, the space shuttle crash, Live Aid.

What’s up for the 90’s? I hope saving this decaying planet, world peace and in my own life, finishing my education, travel, starting my career. Wait a minute; let’s take it a year at a time. I can do it. I can do anything. So that was the 80’s. What do I say? Bring on the 90’s!!

Peace, Love, and eternal happiness,

Love always,


Montag, Januar 17, 2005

The pink fuzzy sweater that could (aka How SG got her groove back)

"Set it off" soundtrack (Still haven't seen the movie...)

Booty shaking with my boys on their turf

Last CD purchase (Reggae CD in the parking lot, from the band) "You're a QUEEN"



30 going on... 24?

Eating a liesurely breakfast in my clean apartment

The knowledge that 4 loads of laundry are done and *almost* put away

ANOTHER Christmas (combined with absentee's double digit birthday celebrations) tonight

... stay tuned for the white fluffy ...

Freitag, Januar 14, 2005

More tales of winter woes

Don't blink too long or your eyelashes will freeze shut.

Donnerstag, Januar 13, 2005

It is so damn cold out there

Word of the day: Snotscicle

Dienstag, Januar 11, 2005

Journaling Trinity Style

The sadness has lifted. A little.

(I allowed) a series of things get me down all afternoon, like someone shooting a bb gun at the arcade. Bang bang bang! And she’s down.

Lifted me up, it has. To have taken this class, this time for myself. My burden is smaller. I think I’ll tuck it away now, for good.

Immediate pleasures. I am such a seeker of. Feels Good Do It. This philosophy works for some. It’s getting tired. I’m getting tired. The thing about instant gratification is that it doesn’t last long.

The foundation has to be laid down, so I can build upon it. Solid ground. A place to be at home. To be at peace with myself.

All else will follow. Be patient with yourself. Be good and kind. Take good care. Be cautious.

You’re about to give your heart away again. Is this the right time? The right one? Time will tell. And you have a lot of it. Less rush. Breathe.

Freitag, Januar 07, 2005

Donnerstag, Januar 06, 2005

Budget Smudget

In an effort to comprehend and perhaps implement this whole concept of ‘budget’, I am attempting to monitor my spending in earnest.

Purchases so far in 2005:

- up 14th Street… and BEYOND!
- Midnight airport run to get the Mama
- To and from sista’s house to carpool to soccer in the Great Beast (aka Takoma) with alternate doughnut-in-the-parking-lot-drivers Ry, Hel and said Sis.

Stupid Store (with accomplice Louise… ‘nuff said)

Steal of a deal: a whole outfit (not hideous) for $20

Best excuse: Need to eat!

Best new snack: the awesomest granola bars ever! (Cranberries, almonds, pumpkin seeds, yummm)

Staples: fruit bars, yoghurt, veg-head food

Impulse buys: Antipasto, dried figs, honey mustard pretzel bits

The Late Night Drug Store Run (*boy, did I blush!*)

- black tights (Baby, it’s COLD outside!)
- “Variety” pack- 4 different kinds of safes!
- Maple Syrup (I truly AM Canadian)
- Warming flutschi
- Cinnamon gum… of course


Montag, Januar 03, 2005

Like a phoenix rising out of the ashes…

My Kat made reappearance in my life today. Sudden, and with great force. Kind of like the bumpers bumping just about ten minutes prior. A jolt. It was as I had suspected. Sadly, the head was destined to hit the thick brick wall a few more times before all was to be said and done. Between her and her toxic boy.
Damn it! The suspicion sinking in my stomach over the past few days finding an end. It’s so hard to see someone you care about so much allowing herself to be hurt again and again.