Donnerstag, Oktober 09, 2008

Things are looking up

Someone asked me to teach a pole dancing class to a bunch of bachlorettes today on Facebook.
Odd, since I don't teach pole dancing.

I have, however, taken a class in pole dancing, put on by The Goddesses of Calgary, about 2 1/2 years ago. It was SO much fun... after the pole wouldn't fit in the party room, the instructor had no choice but to set up inside dear Goddess (and Hostess that evening) Firecracker's apartment. Thank goodness the cage with the reptile was gone by that point! ~long story~

It was a big turnout, as I remember, and almost twenty or so Goddesses old and new all joined in in the fun. Awkward and shy at the beginning, we each let go and trusted each other a little more after practicing the moves in turn. By the end I would say all inhibitions were gonzo and we were laughing our asses off.

... So that's what has been missing, I finally surmised. Time with my lady friends.
Or Goddesses, as we like to call one another.

So I'm happily looking forward to the next two gatherings in the next few weeks... a clothing exchange and a make-over night. Whoppeee!

Freitag, August 15, 2008

where oh where has my sassy gone?

"Sassness" ... I seem to have lost you, temporarily.

I think it was somewhere between the piles of unfiled paperwork in my (hah) meditation room... or did it fly out the window one night that I was up for a 3 O'clock feeding?

I do know that when I don't take the time to care for the Sass Monster with the proper love, attention and watering that it does tend to wilt a little.

Poor, neglected, Sassiness. How can I rectify this and bring you back into my life, where you belong?

Let's take a few deep breaths. Step back and have a birds-eye view of the situation.

It's not gone for good, the Sassafrass. It is a more delicate creature than you'd think, taking a quick look. Under the strong, solid surface are quivering butterflies awaiting their release.

Shhh shhh now, reach out your hand oh so delicately. Here she is, coming in for a landing.

Coming home.

Samstag, Mai 24, 2008

501st Post... 1st day of the rest of my life

Birthday Horoscope:

May 24, 2008 -- How do you turn dreams into realities? By believing in them with all your heart. Whatever it is you are passionate about that is what will come alive for you over the next 12 months. The line between wanting and getting has never been narrower.

*** ... watch that space! I do feel as if my dreams are coming alive.

And that everyone should have a caramel filled chocolate dipped churros on their birthday.

The beginning

Dienstag, Mai 20, 2008

Date Night

Date Night
Originally uploaded by ssygrl.

Already a week into our holiday and we are having so much fun!
Last night Auntie Alain & Uncle Chris babysat so we could go out for dinner. Mmmm fresh seafood down by the port. Life is gooooood.

Montag, Mai 12, 2008

No rain in Spain

And we're off... in less than 12 hours, we will be making our way to my sister-in-law's place in Barcelona. And no, I'm not completely packed yet. Oh boy.

This promises to be a vacation like no other- four weeks in Spain and Portugal, with our 4 month old baby girl (who is just about to start teething) along for the ride. Wheeeeee!

Samstag, April 05, 2008

Catching up

Has it already been almost 2 months since I last posted? Tsk tsk. So much for that whole having a baby solving my procrastination theory. We sure are keeping busy and having fun... yoga, playgroup, the gym. Life is quite different from the 9-5 of the past!

A trip to the East coast to visit my sister and her boys went really well, with the exception of me catching the youngest ones cold at the end. Oh well, I heard it's good for baby's immune system to be exposed to it.

My to-do list keeps growing... with the tax deadline looming it's time to get my paperwork in order.

But for now I gotta run... Trinity is rolling over - for the first time!!!

Samstag, Februar 09, 2008

Stolen Moments

I write this as I breastfeed my little girl... multitasking has taken on a whole new meaning...

A whole lot of things have taken on new meaning since I have become a mother. The whole world has a different shine to it.

The sleep deprivation thing is going better than expected... Although I long for a good 7 or 8 hour stretch, I am doing okay on 3-3-1 (most nights). We are getting into a routine of sorts, and every week I get a little braver and more adventurous with our outings. There's always the risk of "Will she wake up? Will she scream in the car the whole way? Where will I feed/change her?" but we're dealing with it.

I rejoined the Y this week but have yet to make it in for a workout. The one afternoon I thought the timing was just right I called and there was no room in the daycare. Boo. I am apprehensive about leaving her with a stranger, even for an hour, but am hoping that it might work out to be one of her longer naps and she will sleep the whole time. Like when we went out for dinner last week:

So yes, I realize that this whole post has been about my baby. But she is just so adorable... can you blame me? Trying to keep the baby stuff on the baby blog but I think it's normal that the two will mesh now and again...

Montag, Januar 07, 2008

And on the 7th day, Mommy made pancakes

My daughter is one week old today. How surreal this whole thing feels.

Currently, she is sleeping peacefully beside me on a blanket on the floor, all wrapped up in her swaddle thingie (my Mommy terminology is sorely lacking)- the very one in this photo, in fact.

Yes, it's 2 in the morning, but we're on her schedule now and we both got a good 2 1/2 hours nap earlier this evening. It is truly amazing to me how my natural instincts have taken over since her birth. I trust deeply in myself and my ability to nurture her. I am extremely fortunate to have the support that I have so that I am able to focus on just this task but find myself with pretty boundless energy at times, whipping though those 'to-do' lists with gusto.

Strange that pregnancy and motherhood would be what cures me of both my conditions- high blood pressure and procrastination! But it has, and I feel better than I ever have before in my life. I fall more deeply in love with her every day, my life has a completely new purpose.

*insert happy contented sigh here*