Donnerstag, Oktober 13, 2005

HNT... I'm back!

I can NEVER wear a pair of panyhose without getting a run...

Happy HNT y'all!

11 Kommentare:

bricotrout hat gesagt…

now how did THAT get torn. and what other tears arentr we seeing?

Stephanie hat gesagt…

Ain't that the darned truth!! Nice sexy leg though!!! Happy HNT!!!

Leesa hat gesagt…

Cute HNT :)

Robin hat gesagt…

Me too, but mine never look so sexy. Happy HNT!

Unknown hat gesagt…

Nice! Happy HNT!!

Myssa hat gesagt…

Argh I hate wearing hose for that very same reason. Happy HNT!

... hat gesagt…

i have the same problem - but damn that's a big one! try clear nail polish.

happy hnt

Anonym hat gesagt…

Holy Crap! That is AWESOME!
Happy HNT!

Osbasso hat gesagt…

Welcome back! Hope you're going to be here on a regular basis! I missed you (but I have been lurking on ocassion...). So is there some sort of sordid story to accompany this pic???

PackerPundit hat gesagt…

damn... very hawt looking though... sorry for your loss :)
happy belated HNT

SG hat gesagt…

Thanks for all the comments!

No, no juicy story unfortunately.

It happened at my part time catering job (if you look closely on the left edge of the image you can see my penguin shirt).

Hmmm, maybe next week's will involve the bowtie...