Donnerstag, August 31, 2006

HNT - my version of pole dancing

... so, um, what do you do when you get to the bottom?

Learning how to pole dance with the Goddesses a few weeks ago... I highly recommend ... it was a pole lot of FUN!

Mittwoch, August 30, 2006

I got tagged

by Razz... Here you go, girl:

1. I met my boyfriend while I was on a blind date with another guy

2. I love first days of the month and go around changing everyone's calendars for them

3. I also love cleaning hardwood floors (but hate vaccuming)

4. I gave up eating red meat 18 years ago and for a couple of months was completely vegan

5. The foods I crave most are spinach, artichoke hearts, dried mango and of course (dark) chocolate

6. My last name means 'Source' in Turkish. My ex didn't want me to keep it so I did

7. I actually thought the world might end on New Years 1999

8. I've never been more in debt, or happier than right now

Shan, K, Brea, T, Gypsy and Laurie, you're IT!

to Sass or not to Sass

During my 10-15 minute daily morning bike commute this morning, I reflected on how I haven't really done anything very Sassy lately.

Crossing at the corner where a bum asked me for change yesterday (I *almost* gave him my banana), past the church where they were watering the sidewalk again, gingerly through the broken glass of the bus shelter and across the bridge I was completely lost in my thoughts of un-sassiness. You can't really count getting drunk at my friends wedding this weekend and deciding to 'make peace with my past' with her brother, whom I used to date. I guess drunk me wanted an explanation as to why after spending a week together on a group holiday back in January there was not even so much as a goodbye at the airport. Not too sure I received an answer- all I can really remember of the conversation is "hey" pause "hey". Ah well, bygones to rude boyz. Who needs em?

Certainly not I, with the red Gerber daisy I *rescued* from the bunch in the office kitchen smiling back at me from my one-stem vase. What? It was all drooping and squished in that crowded one... Sass strikes again? Yeah baby.

Freitag, August 25, 2006

Friday Quote

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us, it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

- Marianne Williamson

Donnerstag, August 24, 2006

HNT - Tanlines

I was so excited to get a halter top bra, as this opened up my wardrobe possibilities by leaps and bounds... However, I didn't think about the tan lines that would then be exposed by having a bare back... Oh well! Lovely wedding, lovely bride. Love is all around it seems! (See original pic on my Flickr --->)

Mittwoch, August 23, 2006

I love lists


Dark stormy summer skies

Goddess friends who are willing to go to a didgeridoo meditation at the drop of a hat

The fact that I can spell didgeridoo

Being done all my house sits and responsibility-free till October 1st

My orangey-bronze painted toenails (Opi's NY something-or-other)

The middle of the week

Leftovers in the freezer

A bank account above zero a week before payday

The fact that yoga class starts in two weeks

Remembering to buy ‘supplies’ at the drugstore at lunch

Wearing gym pants to work and nobody cares

Fun meetings taking up 75% of my day tomorrow

My Acupuncturist, Chiropractor, Massage Therapist and Mechanic for putting me and my car back together after my accident two weeks ago

Just call me Humpty :)

Montag, August 21, 2006

fun fun fun till I smashed my shin into the pole

WOW! How much fun was that? Besides the bruised leg and um carpet burn on my foot, I had a fantastic time learning how to pole dance with the Goddesses.

The wedding was equally as fun, and I didn't trip once in my new shooz. I did get to dance with my love (just not under the pale moon light) and discover that he makes an amazing partner. This does not surprise me.

So if I get to raft down the river this upcoming weekend, then my summer list will be just about complete.

Oops, rafting wasn't on the list... but it should be! I think I'll start a new list for the Indian summer we're sure to have.

#1. MORE dancing. Barefoot and shoed. Bring it on!

Freitag, August 18, 2006

High on Heels...wobble wobble

The Goddesses will gather again tonight… I’m so very excited, I feel like a kid on Christmas morning. You see, this isn’t just *any* gathering. Tonight, we are taking a class, involving a pole. I met with the sweet blonde petite woman who is to be our teacher a couple of weeks ago for lunch.

I’m also giddy to be able to wear my new shoes, which I purchased during my lunch hour today with my sweetie. He was so very patient with me on the first part of my quest last night at the mall- only one muttering of “we sure do shop differently” was heard but for the rest he was a trooper. I confirmed this shopping gender difference with my mom today, as we woman have to circle around, compare prices and styles, think about the possibilities with different outfits and HUNT that bargain! And a bargain was found (I had no doubt I would be victorious)… in the form of 3 inch ‘champagne’ colored strappy heels, absolutely perfect for the dress I’m wearing to a wedding tomorrow AND within my price range.

Now, actually being able to *walk* in them is a different story…

Donnerstag, August 17, 2006


Since I seem to be unable to come up with any original posts of my own at the moment, I invite you to explore a few of the blogs I have come across in my travels. Enjoy!

Ass K

Bella in Oz


East Side Girl



Hmmm.... all girls. Does anyone know if some good boy blogs out there?

Freitag, August 11, 2006

~news flash~

I just signed up for a motorcycle course in October.


Carry on and Happy Friday!

Mittwoch, August 09, 2006

Wounded girl

Poor, poor Jules. She’s pretty badly banged up- well the front left side of her anyways. I had a car accident yesterday morning, driving between the pool and work. I’m okay, the other driver is okay, his damages minimal and fully covered by my insurance. I’m left with my head still spinning, disturbed by his brisk and arrogant attitude “these things are always such a pain”. I had never been in a ‘live’ collision before (my last two incidences involved parked cars) and was visibly shaking as he copied my information down and gave me his. I’m angry that I let him intimidate me in that way, and that I believed him when he said we didn’t need to call the police and insisted that my car was fine to drive (it wasn’t, but I managed to get it from there to my boyfriends house about 10 blocks away without further incident).

The rest of the day was a blur, from phoning in to work bawling with the cat holding my hand (so very sweet), swinging by my lovely chirowoman to bring me down a couple dozen levels, to the nice lady at the insurance place reassuring me that it was all going to be fine, to renting the car and filing the police report, lunch, and some retail therapy. Funny how a stressful situation evokes the urge to do three things: eat, shop and drink. Which we did, when all was said and done, and toasted to our fourth monthiversary. Finally able to smile and think to ourselves one day we’ll look back to this day and think what an extraordinarily unusual way to spend it it was.

Montag, August 07, 2006


Ladies night at the Crack. Not a chance! I declare. But its Butt’s birthday, had to be there. She made such a big deal out of mine last year. The bouncer looks at my ID. I’m old, I say, too old to be here. No! He laughs, c’mon in. The curtain is up; the hounds are separated, for now. The music blares (just wait, it gets louder every song!). The enthusiastic males are up skipping and strutting around. I marvel about where they get their energy. The one dressed like a policeman makes me laugh. Then there’s the pilot guy with the Top Gun shades. Do they really think this is what women want to see? A couple of the girls slip bills into their g strings and get an abbreviated lap dance, more like a slither up and down their bodies. Um, yuck. I see a girl with a tattoo of an anchor between her shoulder blades and want to ask her why she got it. Humongous green and blue polka dotted beach balls hang from the ceiling by fishing wire and I wonder how I can get one down and take it home. We take a few trips to the parking lot, one so I can give the birthday girl her present- a large gift bag filled with gluten-free goodies. She jumps up and down and hugs me, and I’m glad I’ve made her happy. We dance a few times, but then the music gets thrashier and I go sit at the table alone. Big mistake. I’m immediately approached by a man 15 or 20 years older than myself. It’s his first time here he says with a slight accent. Your ears will hurt tomorrow I reply and slink away. Soon after I make my escape, bidding goodnight to my sweet girls. She gives me another great big hug. I love you. I embrace the words and hold them close to my heart. My dreadlocked lil sis-like being is off to new adventures in Kiwi land in a couple of months and I’ll miss her. Despite the difference in our ages and preferences in places to frequent, we always have a fun time together. And usually, if we’re paying attention, a lesson to be learned.

Freitag, August 04, 2006


Horoscope for today:

“This continues to be a time of transition with jobs and residences as you swing through changes and fluctuating events. Since you like variety, there’s kind of a certain appeal to this kind of flexibility; and a curious allure about where it will all end up.”

How completely accurate. Not only has my role recently changed at work, but I was interviewed for the international department as well (which would involve stints out of our Berlin office). My other job IS changing residences on a regular basis as a house sitter. I DO enjoy change, and embrace the chaos that is my life. Where it will end up? Well, I believe very deeply in the power of manifestation, as discussed at the mini Goddess gathering yesterday evening. So I decided that my next house sit will have a trampoline AND a hot tub, and my stay in Germany will involve a couple of trips to trade shows in Spain and other exciting European locales. And so it is.

Happy Weekend!

Donnerstag, August 03, 2006

when worlds collide

Sass “So what do you think of taking my mom with us when we go raspberry picking at your parents this weekend?”

Mano “Ummm, well…”

Sass “Don’t you think it may help them to understand me better?”

Mano “Absolutely!”