Donnerstag, September 14, 2006

HNT: The teeth

Even Seriouser
Originally uploaded by ssygrl.
Sometimes gummy candy is the *only* way to start your day.

11 Kommentare:

The Lily hat gesagt…

LOVE it. Like Bubba teeth but better because you can eat them!!


Polt hat gesagt…

You from West Virginia? :P


AndyT13 hat gesagt…

Woot! HHNT teeth girl!

AndyT13 hat gesagt…

Woot! HHNT teeth girl!

Anonym hat gesagt…

okay that's hilarious!


Jericho hat gesagt…

lol - I love that candy!


Sassy hat gesagt…

Hmm maybe you should see a dentist


Sassy hat gesagt…

Hmm maybe you should see a dentist


Omni hat gesagt…

Who says you shouldn't play with your food, LOL?

Rainypete hat gesagt…

What do you mean, sometimes!

Phain hat gesagt…

too funny!! i prefer skittles w/ my morning coffee ;) *~*happy hnt*~*