Freitag, März 31, 2006

my posessions are causing me suspicion but there's no proof

It seems my April fool's has begun a little early.

I'm currently hangin' with my buddy Al, mechanic extrordinaire, while he checks out what's wrong with the J baby. *sigh* I was supposed to be oh somewhere between Banff and Lake Louise right about now, but her check engine light came on just as I was heading between the grocery store and home to grab my stuff and Go Go Go GIT Head for them hills... Foiled again.

But I take a deep breath and praise her for maybe being perhaps even a little wiser than me tonight, with her flat out refusal to leave town (it may not be as dramatic as that, he has yet to make the exact diagnosis). So I sit back and relax, knowing she's in good hands and chill with the big Silver Daddy Rolls and lil kiddo red Fiat displayed in the front of the shop. I always enjoy coming here, seeing all kinds of different makes & models (mostly European) in various degrees of undress. Each time I learn a thing or two more about this boy world of motor performance and chrome. Earlier, Al recounted for me the story of Melissa, the woman/nymph/angel who adorns the tip of Big Daddy's nose. (Price for one of those-cause I asked- around two grand!!).

Everything happens according to the Universes plan anyway.

***diagnosis has come in*** there's this part thats attached to the other part and he swapped it out and now I'm gonna give it a go. Yeah, that's it. Hauptsache I hit the road, Jack, and even if it's just as far as the Banff tonight.

S out.

Donnerstag, März 30, 2006


I'm going to hide out in the mountains for a couple of days. Don't send help.

Been on a cleanse for 4 days now, no sugar, nothing with flour in it, I haven't killed anyone yet, I think I'm doing good.

Left my positive thinking class halfway through... how's that for a statement? My mind was just a million miles away, no condensating going on at 'tall.

Quickly reaching burnout point at the place of employment. Perfect timing for a self-imposed long weekend. 4 more hours & I'm home free till Tuesday morning!

Home. In the Rockies. They're calling, I'm listening.


Mittwoch, März 29, 2006

you've come a long way, baby

Tonight I took part in a planning meeting for my elementary school's 20 year reunion taking place this summer. There were four of us there (my best friend, whom I met that year ~1986~ was not in attendance cause of an ill little one). It was great to see my old classmates and reminisce about back in the day... Memories of the musical we put on that year- Alice in Wonderland, the lunch lady, the school nurse, learning the Mexican hat dance in P.E. I remember the Challenger disaster and how they brought a tv into the class for everyone to watch. And then there were *giggle* our first *giggle* sex ed classes.

This is me the year before I joined the crew (I was only there for Grade 6). I had a miserable time from grades 1 through 5, and was overjoyed at changing schools and the chance to make new friends.

As G said tonight- "you were only there one year, yet you made such an impact on us". Well, it was the year I blossomed and the Sassyness was permitted to come alive...

Thank you, Westgate.

Dienstag, März 28, 2006

Soul 2 Soul

You Are a Peacemaker Soul

You strive to please others and compromise anyway you can.
War or conflict bothers you, and you would do anything to keep the peace.
You are a good mediator and a true negotiator.
Sometimes you do too much, trying so hard to make people happy.

While you keep the peace, you tend to be secretly judgmental.
You lose respect for people who don't like to both give and take.
On the flip side, you've got a graet sense of humor and wit.
You're always dimplomatic and able to give good advice.

Souls you are most compatible with: Warrior Soul, Hunter Soul and Visionary Soul

Samstag, März 25, 2006

Saturday night's just right

Chicken's on the Barbie and the Barbie looks great with her satiny curls. She's just captured the boys spontanious dance duet to 'Chicago' on video with a smirk. I hope to figure out how to upload and broadcast it soonest! They've already done through 1 1/2 bottles of the Jaeg... I wonder if there's any escape from joining this mad circus tonight over at the Cage. I'm kinda doubting it.

Christened the weekend of in.ven.tion (a natural progression from the theme that began this year, in.ten.tion), I did get a major goal accomplished today- dealing with all of the paper that has gathered over the past quarter. I now have all of the bits and pieces sorted, filed, and a neat little pile remains to submit to our lovely government for approval. Hopefully I won't get kicked out. ;)

I also met with Goddess Trinity, who is blessedly leading me through the maze of what-all-of-these-bits-and-pieces-mean-to-me and helping me set up a business and financial plan, among other things. Which involved sticking a sponge into the inside of my cheek (in the middle of the coffee shop we were in) for two full minutes, while curious fellow coffee drinkers looked on...

Donnerstag, März 23, 2006

consciousness visualized (4 days later)

HNT Chakra Goddess

Good shot of the Henna tatoo I got at the inaugural Goddess party, with my Chakra necklace overtop. Oh yeah, and a little cleavage thrown in for good measure.

Get Nekkid, y'all!


Emancipate yourself from mental slavery,
None but ourselves can free our minds

Ah, a little Bob on a Thursday morning. Listened to him while I made my way to work this morning, contemplating my state of mind. It’s the second last day of commuter hell. Me Ma returns tomorrow from her two week trip out east visiting the familee and I’ll be done done done babysittin’ her exchange students and being stuck in the ‘burbs. Yippee!

I used to have a really negative feeling whenever I was in her house, stemming from the last and final breakdown of my marriage, which took place there. But it’s been 5 years, the picture has long been down off the wall and I’d like to think that I have moved on. No, my disgruntlement with having to stay waaay out there (end of the world, turn right) has more to do with its remoteness from my daytime and nocturnal activities. I have spent more on fuel for Jules in the past fortnight than I care to think about.

It’ll be so lovely to spend the next two weeks at home in my own bed (with the exception of a weekend jaunt or two if I’m lucky) before my 5 week long run of house sitting begins. #1 ttd: sort out my tax stuff! When is that deadline again??

liberate * set free * free * release * unshakle * let go * untie

Dienstag, März 21, 2006

my new 'calgon, take me away!' meditation spot

beach on jeep tour
Originally uploaded by ssygrl.
What a beautiful place. Almost like a dream, that whole vacation was. Just got the little waterproof disposable camera developed today and it's like I'm reliving the second last day of the trip. Almost all of the 28 people that were part of our group went on a jeep excursion all over the area- saw cocoa bean, avocado and mango trees, ate fresh coconut meat, got peddled on this beach, watched the most graceful 12 year old cliff divers do their thing. See the most recent pics through my Flickr badge ==>

Montag, März 20, 2006

monday morning stream of consciousness

So I get into the office this morning and the yellow lilies I left on Friday have blossomed and they’re absolutely gorgeous two flowers one stem I’m gonna take it as a sign and the snowflakes keep falling on this first day of spring. My grandma’s 91st (Happy Bday Grama!) and four days left to look after the mama’s pad and foreign exchange students whom I fed turkey for the first week almost they must think North Americans are so weird. Mmm the morning coffee spiked with laura secord hot chocolate mix my blood pressure meds dose increased I wonder if I’ll have any extra side effects? Speaking of effects my oh my no green beer for me but Green Day and green blossoms blossoming a trip out to the mountains with my good friend mike b, just what this girl needed leaving the clouds behind clear blue skies then blizzard blizzard all the way home. My urban family lovelies enough girls for a game but they’re too hung we just have breakfast and shipwrecks and laugh and laugh and laugh. And go look at handbags.

Freitag, März 17, 2006

friday afternoon silliness (where'dthatweekgo??)

Wow, I can't believe the last post was Saturday. It's been a crazybusy week, with the highlights definitely being the furnace break down and the freezing of the lock on the car after the car wash yesterday. Some Sassys never learn.

I'm ashamed to say that not only did I enjoy this game, but I scored a perfect 15/15!

I'm not normally a violent person. Really I'm not.

Happy St. Paddy's, everyone!

Samstag, März 11, 2006

what did you do today?

lovingsharing joyful opento life & living it joyful honestcheerful happyenthusiastic! cute FULL OF LIFE sweetsunny disposition very warm!!"goddess"giving loving-sweet joyfulhappy caring

Donnerstag, März 09, 2006

Early by a toe HNT

You know what, I love this picture. For several reasons. It was taken the last day of my Dominican holiday, about a month and a half ago. The caption on Flickr reads "Now that's one relaxed foot" and it's so true. And true to itself. Not pedicured, a little rough around the edges, but totally On Vacation, this foot of mine.

Mittwoch, März 08, 2006

The ambiguous nature of the poem certainly mirrored my mood this afternoon. It's the classic fight or flight happening and damn it if I don't go for a flying leap every time. Well, the times they are a changing. It's been in the forecast for awhile...

In other news the tibetan bowl ceremony was every bit as moving and powerful as the last time I attended. A much needed (and missed) hug before and a good waterfall of tears after helped to cleanse the events of today.

I've found myself being shockingly motivated to organize and sort my collective belongings since returning to the lair (even if it is to pack em up and move em out again as of tomorrow night). I think it's cause I have a deep sense of knowing that I'm going to want to be prepared for this next shift that is just about to transpire.

While unpacking the ever present suitcase tonight I came across the specially-purchased-to-wear-under-the-plunging-cleavage-devil-shirt-bra (yes, that one, D). I was hesitant to put the rhinestoned beauty in the laundry pile, as I did not wish to wash away the memories the whiff of double apple hookah smoke invoked. It was my first time last week I'd tried one (on a second date), and I was instantly hooked. Oh, the scrummyness.

Told you, ambiguous. Random. Mood. Taxi?

... just around the corner

Where am I going? I don't quite know.
Down to the stream where the king-cups grow-
Up on the hill where the pine trees blow-
Anywhere, anywhere. I don't know.
Where am I going? The clouds sail by,
Little ones, baby ones, over the sky.
Where am I going? The shadows pass,
Little ones, baby ones, over the grass.
If you were a cloud, and sailed up there,
You'd sail on the water as blue as air,
And you'd see me here in fields and say:
"Doesn't the sky look green today?"
Where am I going? The high rocks call:
"It's awful fun to be born at all."
Where am I going? The ring-doves coo:
"We do have beautiful things to do."
If you were a bird, and lived on high,
You'd lean on the wind when the wind came by,
You'd say to the wind when it took you away:
"That's where I wanted to go today!"
Where am I going? I don't quite know.
What does it matter where people go?
Down to the wood where the bluebells grow--
Anywhere, anywhere, I don't know.
A.A. Milne

Sonntag, März 05, 2006

Be the Sundae

One of the things I love most about my house sitting job is raiding people's bookshelves. I adore browsing through their literary collections, seeing what titles jump out and grab me. Even better is a sunny comfy room in which to read, surrounded by cuddly creatures.

Two of the books that piqued my interest at my current sit are a book about the Invention of time, and one called "Where are you going?" a guide to the Spiritual Journey, with this passage on the back cover:

"Everything you seek in this world is within you. Supreme joy blazes inside. But it is not enough merely to have intellectual understanding of this. You have to go deep inside. The heart is the true house of God. Go there."
-Swami Munktananda

Interesting, as I was just pondering the quandry of time yesterday when my optrician remarked that there is nothing more precious than it, as we can never regain it.

I had several administrative things to do on my list this weekend (that I now realize I didn't get done on purpose). My time was much better spent enriching and expanding that spiritual connection, in a place filled and overflowing with love, in the company of one Soul Brother.

The paperwork can wait.

Freitag, März 03, 2006

A few posts back, Laurie asked what a Goddess party was. So I thought it would be best to explain...

I have been reading (and writing my own shortly after the discovery of) blogs for about a year and a half now. I loved the randomness of 'dropping in' on complete strangers, and getting to see a glimpse of their lives, their own creative interpretations in which they chose to share with the www. When I came across Lulu I was incredibly inspired by her and the women (Gypsy & Rikki, to name two) from a town called Lawrence, Kansas, which may as well be like a fairy town to me. Goddess town, more precicely.

These women have formed a Goddess Collective, a group that meets regularly to love, support and just joyfully BE. So I decided to start my own GC, up a little more North and to the right. Brought together some of the most incredibly inspiring (and mostly entrepreneutrial , as it turned out), to connect, drink wine, get henna'd and generally enjoy eachothers company & energy. And what a beautiful energy was created! Looking forward to our next gathering.

There are Goddesses everywhere in the blogosphere, it seems. Two of my favorite incarnations of Goddessness Miss VJ & Miss Razz inspire me on a daily basis.

And there's the one I'm very much looking forward to meeting in person, (IRL) :) Brea

Goddesses all!

Be blessed.


Donnerstag, März 02, 2006

HN Babyness

I absolutely love this shot, which I took at a wedding reception I attended last weekend. The mom was ticking the babe with the lily, and he was happy as could be. Nothing in the world like baby giggles.

Mittwoch, März 01, 2006