Freitag, März 17, 2006

friday afternoon silliness (where'dthatweekgo??)

Wow, I can't believe the last post was Saturday. It's been a crazybusy week, with the highlights definitely being the furnace break down and the freezing of the lock on the car after the car wash yesterday. Some Sassys never learn.

I'm ashamed to say that not only did I enjoy this game, but I scored a perfect 15/15!

I'm not normally a violent person. Really I'm not.

Happy St. Paddy's, everyone!

1 Kommentar:

Omni hat gesagt…

Blogger's latest disaster kept me from making my intended St. Patrick's Day post (in fact I still can't use my regular browser on Blogger blogs, grrrrrrrr), so I'm belatedly giving you my latest dazzling poetic offering:

Be of good cheer
And drink some green beer
St. Patrick's Day is here!! :-)


Omni the Poet