Donnerstag, März 09, 2006

Early by a toe HNT

You know what, I love this picture. For several reasons. It was taken the last day of my Dominican holiday, about a month and a half ago. The caption on Flickr reads "Now that's one relaxed foot" and it's so true. And true to itself. Not pedicured, a little rough around the edges, but totally On Vacation, this foot of mine.

3 Kommentare:

Scott & Julia hat gesagt…

Ahh, that sounds like a great vacation. We just came back from Cuba and I wish I was back there again. Happy belated HNT!

SG hat gesagt…

Oh my goodness, I am TOTALLY a day off. Oops! Hee hee. Guess I left my brain there...

Belated indeed!

Moosekahl hat gesagt…

I'm late making the rounds this week but great HNT pic...that foot is definitely relaxing. Happy hNT