Just wondering, has anyone had the experience of being uninvited to an event? I wonder. Because I just have been. It's a rather awkward thing, really. But then perhaps (and in accordance with my 'everything happens for a reason' belief') it's less awkward than attending said event. Understandable, when one considers the circumstances that have been altered in recent weeks. Hmm. One to ponder.
Wow- the night has just flown by. Off to bed, little one. Let the night's wings envelop you and take you to super rejuvinating sleepland (with a few good dreams thrown in there for good measure). Guten nacht. Montag morgen kommt viel zu frueh!
2 Kommentare:
I have a friend who used to have all sorts of gatherings at her home that I wouldn't be invited to, and wouldn't even hear about until later... and none of the people she used to invite are her friends anymore. I can't blame her for choosing to have a group of friends over rather than one friend (that group and I didn't get along), and she's since learned that those people aren't nice and never were, so it all worked out for the best.
Ah, you wouldn't have had any fun there anyway, I bet. You always know who your true friends are.
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