Freitag, August 12, 2005

To sleep and sleep in as long as I want!

I got an email from my room/soul mate this morning (who is away being her goddess self touring around ze Germans) and thought I'd share our correspondance:

Hello Biene,

Was wondering if you were missing me at all? Well I am missing you a ton!

It's late and I just wanted to write a few lines to tell you that i am thinking of you and wondering if you have had yu . yet?? Just wondering......

I think that I could be ready to start a family.

Well lots to share but I have a really busy day tomorrow so I will have to tell you all later.

I love you and I am thinking of you all the time~!

to which I responded:

Hello Grasshopper!

Of course of course of course I'm thinking about you all the time and missing you like crazy. I was both gleeful and deeply moved as I read your email this morning. I feel in my heart that you are ok, that life is presenting its challenges, but that you are meeting them head on, like the true warrior princess that you are.

Life careens forward here at the urban crib. Feels like this summer is just zipping by, in a series of sun and rain filled days. Nonstop dashing from bed to office to penguin suited events, with some quality time with Uhu thrown in for good measure. He has fed me the past two nights, and showed up with Red Lobster leftovers tonight- garlic shrimp, mashed potatoes and those melt-in-your-mouth cheese scone things they make. YUM.

Speaking of nourishment, we now have the cleanest fridge in all of the northwest. In a spree (it was more like a tazmanian devil whirlwind) of domestic domesticatedness, it was cleared out and cleaned 'the german way' within an inch of its life. I didn't know there was black cherry jam in there! One has to wonder if possible impending motherhood inspired my wacky snacking/grazing on brie & crackers, pickled beets, picked herring, those melted chocolate cookies you left in there, blueberries, a few little carrots and yes, pickles (I 'merged' your three jars into one, btw).

I'm due my . tomorrow and will certainly keep you updated at its arrival or lack thereof. I feel ready whatever may happen. Que sera, sera, as they say.

Love you, so much, and can't wait till you're back and we can enjoy a natural gingerale on the front steps together.

I'm headed for my {freshly made} bed. Oh, how I rock!
Speaking of which, we'll have to get a rocking chair...

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