Donnerstag, August 18, 2005

Hump Day Revisited

My neighbourliest neighbour just got home, she'll be over in a minute. It seems there may be a wee crisis in her life, regarding work. I MSN'd her this aft to ask her how the chicken wings she 'aquired' off the new boy tasted. She was right in the middle of a rather serious phone conversation and asked me if I'd type some kind of statement for her tonight and we'd arranged to meet up after my yoga class.

L8tr, now a few hours have passed, much exchange of thought has been tossed around my living room and her garage turned poker salon (that reminds me, I have to set up a game with the boys soon). It's so good to have neighbours that you can have good exchanges of thought with. She's home in her home now, and me in mine, and I'm singing along to the dixie chicks and picking the fudge chunks out of a carton of Black Cherry Amaretto Frozen Yoghurt. YUM! I want to go for a swim in this container. It's just so awesome to discover a treat that deals with so many of my cravings at once. :)

So yes, it was a more direct route to my happy place today. Due partly to the fact that it's hump day. There's at least 10 points for you right there. The weather has been absolutely dismal, especially for August but let's not go there. Let's think hot, sunny, sizzling thoughts so we glow from the inside. I've made several trips on the green bike up and down the hill to work getting soggy and chilled (my baby is in the shop this week), not to mention the hour and a half romp on the field yesterday, just slaughtering the other team 8-1. Yeah, baby!

2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hello Cute Lady,

I was at your work yesterday :) Jackie is super lovely - thanks for mentioning my name again! We had a great interview - I'll let you know what happens. Hope all is well. Maria

SG hat gesagt…

Hello Sweetheart! Thanks for stopping by... I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, for sure. I'd love it if I got to see you more often. Kisses, Sass